Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pocajawea's Kimono

When you need a little peace, a respite from the world, come here. It's yours.

To view this video in greater resolution, head over to YouTube via this link and select "watch in high quality." Astute visitors will also be let in on a little secret.


julie said...

Ho! That's funny, I never suspected you were he.
Awesome :D

wv says: "citchall;" next will be "setaspell" "iwanna" "tella" "lilstori"

QP said...

Wonder-ful; I so enjoyed.

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat"

Gecko said...

Kayak heaven. Thanks for the ride.

Bob's Blog said...

I am so relaxed, I don't know if I can wake up my fingers to let you know how much I enjoyed this ride! You are a genius. You two know how to live. Thank you.

Van Harvey said...


There are many mansions in your noggin'!